With fast and complete absorption of our carefully cultivated drips, burdening symptoms generally begin to subside within fifteen to thirty minutes after administration. Let our team of healthcare professionals help you achieve the healthiest version of yourself.

The infusion contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, which has been shown to help increase metabolism and burn fat, making it an essential component of any weight loss program. Learn more:

The best antioxidant supplements and combined them into one super antioxidant IV infusion to cleanse the body of free radicals and oxidative stress. Learn more:

NAD: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is an extremely important coenzyme found throughout every living cell in our body. Learn more:

Unlike most traditional Meyers mixtures, we’ve added Glutathione, a powerful chain of antioxidants to combat free radicals and optimize results. Learn more:

The recovery drip has been created to support faster muscle healing through a combination of IV fluids, amino acids, glutathione, b-12, b-complex vitamins, and magnesium. Learn more:

This contains high doses of vitamins and antioxidants to provide advanced immunity support to reduce illness recovery time and strengthen the immune system. Lear more:

This combination of vitamins aid in cell health, metabolic energy production and decrease brain fog. Learn more:

This basic isotonic fluid resembles the composition of the body’s plasma. Learn more:

This drip can be given prophylactically or during illness to decrease severity of symptoms and shorten recovery time. Learn more:

This drip reverses the negative effects of alcohol by replenishing what you lost the night before. Learn more:

The combination of medications and nutrients can help reduce inflammation, alleviate nausea, and reduce the frequency and severity of migraines. Learn more:

This IV mix contains nutrients that bring out the natural glow of your skin. Learn more:

One of the main benefits of micronutrient testing is that it allows you to identify any deficiencies you may have and take steps to address them. By getting a micronutrient test and discovering any deficiencies, will allow us to customize a drip tailored to your specific needs.

Micronutrient testing can also help you optimize your infusions. By knowing which nutrients you are lacking, you can tailor your infusion to ensure that you are getting the right balance of nutrients to support your health.